Project Description
- station-level interlocking system of the 3rd category
- modular controlling software for easy engineering projects in any station
- intended for small to medium sized stations (up to 50 switching units)
- fail-safe two-channel system – 2 of 2 decision
- 100% hot standby for a higher availability
- Safety Integrity Level SIL 4
- user interface according to the Czech standard of JOP (Unified active control place)
- automatic records of the traffic information via GRADO system or GTN
- racks with loose coupling or modular racks with relay cartridges (NM relays)
- electronic circuit cartridges – CPU cartridge, communication cartridge KomPC, input cartridge CANi30, output cartridge CANo24, power supply ZDROJ25
- relay cartridges – for switches, lights, general use, light stripes
- connection with route-level interlocking devices AB88, ABE-1, AH-88SW, RPB-88SW, AHP-SW)
- LED signals of SIRIUS system
- data connection with the axle counter PNS-03 or SIRIUS
- Technology computer – fail-safe decision kernel
- communication computer for interconnecting with neighbouring systems, for archiving datagrams and configuring workplaces
- maintenance computer – detailed system diagnostics
- more than sixty railway stations in the Czech Republic
- first installation: Prague metro, 2003
- first installation on the nation-wide railway network: Třebechovice pod Orebem, 2004
- MaDOS remote control system, Žďárec u Skutče – Chrudim, 2015
- first installation with LED signals: Havlíčkův Brod – Humpolec, 2021
- installations abroad: Ukraine, Georgia (13 stations total)
- Prague metro, section V.A (Dejvice – Motol hospital), IV.C (station Holešovice – Letňany), Depot Hostivař